Welcome to my little weird corner of the information super highway

Profile pic of Kat

A little about me

Hello and welcome! I am so very glad you are here. My name is Kat and I am the girl behind Rose City Vintage Workshop. I am a simple girl with wanderlust in my heart who loves finding beauty wherever I go and if it involves junking or crafting it is guaranteed that I am some how involved.

Rose City Vintage Workshop (formerly known as The Girl with the Red Balloon) began as a way to just simply document all of my projects and crafts. I began this journey during a job transition and felt like I  had no concept of my next direction.

One evening I happened to start watching an episode of the Junk Gypsies where they went junking and flipped old crap into really awesome and amazing new treasures. From that point on I was hooked. I started going on my own junking adventures and turning old, worn out items into new treasures. It gave me the ability to start looking at things in a whole new way.

I still love to go junking or as the Junk Gypsies call it, “junkercising”, but I have even expanded my projects into woodworking and epoxy projects. Who knew this girl could ever be this crafty!

What’s in a name?

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet or so the saying goes. My current city of Thomasville, Georgia happens to be known as the City of Roses and I love hunting for some good vintage/antique treasure and bringing new life to old pieces ; whether it is just cleaning them up to use for decor or turning them into cool pieces of art. Of course, makers be making and you will see more than just vintage items on here, but I have a passion for collecting and/or repurposing vintage pieces and I wanted my new name to reflect that.

You keep talking about opening an online store…is it ever going to happen?

I’m so glad you asked…It is. I’m working on it as we speak. It definitely has been a long time coming, but it will be happening soon. New branding, new platform for the website that will be better equipped for ecommerce. It is all part of making this finally come together. I do not currently have a specific date, but I’m hoping within the next few months, but in the meantime I am so glad you are here and hope you will stick with me on this journey!

Profile pic of Kat in her project room
Profile pic of Kat in silly, oversized sunglasses