Always Time for Pumpkin Pie

Flannel, falling leaves, and pumpkins, oh my! It is getting closer and closer to my favorite season and I am not walking, but running towards it. I know I am not normal. Normal people absolutely love summer and do not want it to end. Me? Not so much. Pumpkin Spice season has officially begun and I could not be happier about it. Fall is full of busy schedules with school, football, and a variety of other activities, but take it from me that there is always time for pumpkin pie. At least that is what this DIY Pumpkin Pie sign will say, but really it is quite true.

Supplies Needed:

  • Torte or pie tin

  • Craft Paint

  • Paint brushes

  • Clock Hands

  • Drill/Driver

  • 1/8 bit

This is a super easy transformation project anyone can do. Have old tins laying around and not sure what to do with them? Well, don’t throw them out quite yet. They still have some life left. Also, this project is so easy and quick you will surely have time left for some pie!

I used stencils to create my numbers, words, banner, and pumpkin pie. After you paint your design, you are ready to attach your clock hands. In full confession, I wish I had amazing handwriting. I have some friends who can beautifully hand paint words. Unfortunately, I did not acquire that skill so stencil it is.

This is a super easy transformation project anyone can do. Have old tins laying around and not sure what to do with them? Well, don’t throw them out quite yet. They still have some life left. Also, this project is so easy and quick you will surely have time left for some pie!

I used stencils to create my numbers, words, banner, and pumpkin pie. After you paint your design, you are ready to attach your clock hands. In full confession, I wish I had amazing handwriting. I have some friends who can beautifully hand paint words. Unfortunately, I did not acquire that skill so stencil it is.

To attach the clock hands to the tin I drilled a hole in the tin with a 1/8 bit and threaded a screw through the clock hands and tin. I actually used a wall outlet plate screw and some sort of end cap I found in my stash that fit perfectly. I am not quite sure what kind of cap I used, but am going to search for it and link it here when found.

How quick and easy was this project and with time to spare! I don’t know about you, but I’m going to go and grab some milk and pie with my extra spare time. HAPPY FRIDAY, my dear friends!

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