DIY Buffalo Check Sign

It may still be 90 degrees, but it is August and schools have started back so in my mind we are well on our way to fall. It is just around the corner and I find that good enough reason to decorate all things autumn. Sorry not sorry? Earlier this week I got started on my first wave of bringing out the fall decor. I couldn’t stop there though. This little craftaholic had to of course make her very own fall sign. I’m currently obsessed with all things buffalo check so I thought I’d incorporate some fun buffalo check into my design. It is very easy to do. The best part is that you don’t need any special equipment to make this diy buffalo check sign!


  • a piece of wood or canvas (I just used a scrap piece of wood from my wood pile)

  • paint (I used craft chalk paint from craft store -The brand I used was Imperial Home Decor Chalk Paint -not endorsed)

  • paint brushes

  • Frog Tape (not endorsed, but finds it holds up better to paint bleeds)


  • Stencils

  • 1×2 – if you want to frame it

  • Nail gun and nails (if framing)

  • Miter saw/circular saw/Jigsaw to cut your frame

Let’s dive right into fall and start making this great diy buffalo check sign!

Secrets, secrets are no fun unless you share with everyone! I believe that is true so let’s go step-by-step on how you too can create your own buffalo check pattern!


Truly the very first step after picking out your board is to sand it. This will help remove any loose splinter pieces as well as help the paint better adhere to the board. Once you have sanded the board as desired you are ready to paint. I painted the entire board white as it will be the default color. What is great about the chalk paint I linked above in the supplies is that it dries rather quickly and you do not have to wait very long to add the next layer. I am not sponsored by this brand, but have found I really like it for small projects such as this one.

What is truly great about this project is that it does not require any fancy tools or equipment. Just board, craft paint, and painters tape. I use the Frog brand just because I have found it better protects against paint bleeds than other brands.

Tape by Tape

After your default color dries start taping!

Cool tip: Once you have taped up where you want if you go over the tape with your current paint (in this case white) it will add as another level of protection against paint bleeding and leave you with really crisp, clean lines. The tape seemed to stick pretty well on this particular board so I didn’t follow this, but it definitely works and gives you a better peace of mind for clean lines when you rip that tape away.

Once your first layer is taped up and painted and it has dried, you are ready to add a new level. Tape over the existing layer to add new lines as shown below. Paint and repeat until you have all rows and columns buffalo checked!

You have just made your very own diy buffalo check sign! How easy was that! I will add a disclaimer that mine did not come out completely perfect and did have to do a few minor touch-ups, but overall I am very pleased with how this came out.

Let’s Add some Flair!

You could stop there and I think it would be beautiful, but I wanted to add some more flair. I used my Silhouette machine to cut out stencil vinyl for the truck and ‘hello fall.’ I would like to emphasize though that you do not need a fancy machine like the Silhouette to add some flair. There are some very cool stencils out there that you can purchase at your local craft store or they even have stencil sheets where you can make your own stencils. I do happen to have a Silhouette machine and use it, but by no means do you need it to complete this project!

I’m Extra and that is okay! | Adding a Frame

To polish this project off I found some 1×2 scrap wood I had and used it for the frame. I measured each side and cut the wood with my miter saw. I then used my brad nailer and 1 1/4 brad nails to attach the frame to the wood sign. To cut the wood you do not necessarily need a miter saw. Long before I had my miter saw I used either a hand saw or a jigsaw; tools that I already had on hand. The same goes for the brad nailer. Before I invested in a nail gun I definitely just used a hammer and finishing nails. Power tools are awesome and definitely make things easier sometimes, but don’t let it discourage you if you do not have them. You can make pretty buffalo check signs without any fancy tools!

Now go and make all things buffalo check! Let’s show fall we are armed in craftiness and ready for decorating!

Disclaimer: I noted a few times within this post, but I am not being sponsored in any way or promoting the supplies I used in this project. These are just the products that I have found worked for me.

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