Medicine Cabinet Reimagined
To the bathroom, to the Wall, to all my crafters I call. I have been working on a new project this weekend. If you follow me on social media you probably have already seen it posted. Somehow I think I have this posting thing backwards. lol.Moving forward though I will be publishing my projects first and then posting on social media, but I digress.
This weekend I took an old medicine cabinet door I had and gave it a makeover. I was already using it as simple wall decor, but I had just gotten to the point where I was looking at it and thought, ehhhh. So I decided to do something about it…
First I decided to paint it with some Annie Sloan chalk paint I had left over from another project. Side note: I freaking love this paint. It’s awesome. If you have been thinking about getting some and using it, go get it. This paint covers pretty much anything, but once again I digress. Below is what it looked like with a fresh coat of paint. In case you are wondering I used the color Duck Egg Blue. I think it might be one of my faves.
After I gave it a new paint job I felt it still needed some more depth to it so I decided to add some hooks and a shelf. The hooks I used I found at Hobby Lobby. I’m pretty obsessed with anything gold leaf right now. The shelf I made with some scrap wood I had lying around. I used 1x2s for the brackets and cut them with a 45 degree miter cut. I used 1″ finishing nails to attach the shelf to the shutter. I’ll try not to hurt myself patting myself on the back, but I’m pretty pleased with how cute this turned out. I’m also not going to lie that I’m kind of impressed with myself with figuring out how to attach the shelf to the shutter.
2024 Update:
It’s been repainted, but still with me to this day and doing well