That WorkBenchCon AfterGlow
2024 WorkBench Conference was one for the books. That WorkBenchCon afterglow is real. It’s a whirlwind of a weekend, but oh! so worth everything. Am I still in recovery from the weekend? Absolutely! But I am ready to get to work and take all I learned and put into practice this year. HECK YES!!
2023 was my very first WorkBench Conference. I was unsure of myself and did not know but a few people heading into it. To say I was intimidated was an understatement, especially because I had very few followers, and it is not even a business for me…yet. I’m introverted by nature and the thought of networking is scary you guys, but I pushed through it and man! did it pay off big time for me this year. Those connections I made last year became tenfold.
Those connections allowed me to come in a little bit more sure of myself this round; not to mention I brought stickers this time. It’s such a fun thing to exchange stickers with other makers. I have been absolutely blown away by this maker community. Small names, big names it does not matter. I have found this community is big in supporting and cheering on one another. Of course, there are groups of people who are very close, but there was not one group that I approached that was not welcoming. The friends I have made the past two years I know are already going to be lifelong. I’m an adorable little weirdo for sure and this community has welcomed me with open arms and I am so incredibly thankful.
Networking and community is a big part of WorkBenchCon. If you are looking to get more connected to other makers, brands, etc. I would highly recommend attending. In my humble opinion, WorkBench is well worth the investment for networking alone. There is so much more value though.The classes and information relayed in the different sessions is also incredibly valuable; whether you want to learn how to start/expand your business or learn epoxy or some sort of woodworking skill.
Just to be clear, I am not affiliated or sponsored by WorkBenchCon, but I just cannot say enough good things about it. Both my experiences have been top notch and I cannot wait to come back for year three. So, yeah! that WorkBenchCon Afterglow is real! In the meantime, I’m going to take what I learned this year and get to work. I know next year I do not want to be in the same place. I want to grow and start this hobby as a legit side business this year. Let’s GO!